2023 Annual Golf Tournament
2023 Annual Chamber Golf Tournament
The Format is a Four Person Scramble
Set Team Foursome - players will be assigned to the registered set team
Blind Draw Foursome - players will be assigned to other teams in the Blind Draw format
Registration & Sponsorship Brochure

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Friday Aug 4, 2023
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
Registration at 7:30 am
Shotgun Start at 8:30 am
Darby Creek Golf Course
19300 Orchard Rd
Marysville, OH 43040
Event Sponsor $3000
Birdie Sponsor (Foursome, Hole Sponsor) $550
Lunch Sponsor $1500
Beverage Cart Sponsor $300 (Limit two sponsors) (Sponsors have the option to provide two volunteers to drive the beverage cart during the event)
Exclusive Hole Sponsorship $300 (Limit six sponsors)
Exclusive Hole Sponsor & Foursome $700
Putting Contest Sponsor $300
Continental Breakfast Sponsor $250
Hole-in-One Sponsor $250
Hole Sponsor $150
Golfer Fees
Foursome Non Set (Draw) Team $375 - Players will be assigned to Blind Draw teams with this option
Foursome Set Team $425
Individual Golfer $100
Player Bundle $20 per golfer
Includes: Two Mulligans, Raffle Prize Ticket, and Putting Contest Entry
Registration & Sponsorship Brochure
Contact Information
Tonya Woodruff
Send Email